Saturday, October 31, 2009

Vacation - Part Deux.

Yes, i realize it's been, oh....fourteen days since i last said, 'oh i'll post part two of the vacation.' Life, as usual, i allowed to get in my way.

Well, that and watching a lot of infomercials.

Let's get on with this era's version of home movies, shall we?

On our way back home, we did many day trips. One was here in Santa Cruz, where we cruised the Boardwalk, checking out the rides and going on none of them. Apparently, each ride has it's own price - this coaster for example, was, i think, $6 a ride. Daaaaang.

This merry-go-round is over a hundred years old and has (according to the plaque outside)been lovingly refurbished to it's original luster.

I hope when i hit a hundred that i am lovingly refubished to my original luster...whatever that was. Then the Husband took a picture of me. I'm not sure if my look of disgust is because he DID take one of me or that he didn't take the shot vertically...and use the zoom.

I so gotta school him.

It got boring, looking at all the things we didn't want to spend money on. So we moved on to further explore Santa Cruz, and eventually found Mission Santa Cruz.

I have a thing about the California Missions. Absolutely love 'em. Love exploring. Love the history. And yes, love shooting them.

Moving deeper into the hills & woods of Santa Cruz - we found...


Cool woods. I though to myself, there ain't no way i would be Just ain't a-gonna happen.
Freaky. Cool, but freaky.

For those of you asking, if you have ever been to Knott's Berry Farm and remember the old Mystery Shack, well, that's what this is. Only bigger. And more mysterious.

The Husband, reminding me of the old 'Keep on Truckin'' icon from the early 70s.

Your last stop on my vacation is the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. The rooms are amazing, or so i've been told, but unfortunately, the manager on duty that day was cranky and in need of a Midol. He wouldn't let us look at a room.

Brendan, however, did get a peek at the men's room, where the urinals is water trickling down a stone wall.

Boys get all the fun.

Wish i could've seen more. Oh well, there's always next time...and next trip.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

San Francisco via Reno.

Last month - the Husband & i took a road trip to Reno...on the way to San Francisco.

Road trips rock. If you're not driving (me? drive his sacred car? not a chance), you get time to stare out the window, look at farms lining the 99 and think - 'hm..wonder if i can do that in Farmtown/Farmville?'

Then you think - 'my gawd, i need a life.'

Then you finally hit Reno, and your brother & sister in law, their kids and your husband's cousin visiting from Ireland.

Then you get in some pimp photo love.


It's hard to get good shots of him. He's at that age where he'd rather make goofy stupid faces. But sometimes, the stars align and he cooperates and then all i wanna do is shower him with hugs.

But he's at that age. There will be no hugging, especially in front of his friends.

None of those problems with this one. 'Photo shoot, auntie? But of course. I would fancy a go at it!'

After a few days there, we drove on over to the home of Journey, Rice-a-Roni, sourdough bread and Levis.

The Golden Gate Bridge, from the Presidio. We spent two hours there, just looking around and checking out the Walt Disney Family Museum. Totally cool. The animated model of Disneyland was beyond cool.

I don't know who Gavin Coombs is, but i still love Dick Dasterdly from the Wacky Races.

Just above this harbor, is Alcatraz.

We didn't tour it this time, the Rock, it was depressing on the inside.

Not that i expect prisons to be a ride at Disneyland, but man. I was never happier to be out of a building than i was that day when we toured it.

Made me think that's where Debbie Downer got her inspiration.

And on that note...

Later - Santa Cruz, San Jose and whatever else i can find.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally - Truth in Advertising.

After two years of fair photo contests, art association photo contests, online photo contest and what not...i won.

So what if it's 3rd? Dude. I won.

This is my niece. Little hambone, she knows how to work the camera. She knows how to project and how to give her auntie what she wants, even if auntie doesn't even know what SHE wants, sometimes.

She also knows how to work her auntie. Like her brother.

This year at the OC Fair, my girlie was next to the winner. So i was hoping that maybe a little of the winner ju-ju would rub off on me.

And it did.

The Anaheim Art Association was kind enough to pick it as their 3rd prize for photography.

Now i can add 'award winning photographer' to my resume...and my business cards.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

You're Only One, Once.

Or is that redundant?
Last June, my friend's niece asked if i would come take photos for their daughter's first birthday.

Being a sucker for anything regarding kids AND photos, naturally, i said yes.

One year olds, have a way of not cooperating for the camera. Usually. This one, though, is starting to be a bit of a hambone and really likes the photos.

Of herself, that is.


Pure hambone.

Her birthday cupcakes.

Everyone was happy to see everyone else.

And this one, while not the Birthday Girl, fell in love with the Fritos.

And this little princess is the birthday girl, with her daddy.

This little cutie-pie, is also a photo hambone. She wanted to be in every.single.picture. Even the family ones.

Sometimes, it's easier to just roll with it than fight it. Then, you take her and give her her own photo shoot.And she is a happy girl.

And she thought the butterfly pinata was pretty. The other kids, however, were salivating over the possiblity of candy, candy and more candy.

They weren't far off.

Oh, the humanity. The carnage. I--i must look away.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl. May all your birthdays...and the rest of your one big adventure.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


These cute peeps are my mom & step-pop.

My mom asked me to snap some shots for them, and for her 50th high school reunion souvenir book.
And if my step-father looks like trouble to you? Well, that's because he is.

See? T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

Cute. But trouble.

And my mom, ga'bless her, can be trouble as well. Don't let that sweet smile fool you.

Then it was time to practice with the timer. And if i look like trouble, it's because i am.

No doubt about that. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Thank heavens. As klutzy as i am, i'd probably break something.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Last weekend, i was asked to shoot my friend's great-niece's christening - and prior to that, some shots of her in her christening dress to hand out in frames as give-aways. GAAAAH - i love taking pictures and wish i was making money at it so that i could retire and do what i love -

Instead of a guest book, a picture with a large mat to be signed.

Really a happy girl, didn't cry when water was poured on her little head.
But i believe that even though she's truly a Daddy's girl, she had a little crush on the priest.

A busy, but totally fun day.

Friday, April 3, 2009


taken with my old Canon PowerShot A630.


Photos are my life.
Let me just say that again, in case you didn't get it the first time: photos are my life.

It hasn't always been this way. Well, perhaps it has; after all, I was always the girlie taking pictures of my fingers more than subjects. And i started with a dang Kodak Instamatic, like millions of Americans.

Taking pictures of my fingers.

I've had Pocket Cameras. Polaroids. My first love was a 1984 Canon 135mm point-n-shoot with Sam the American Eagle from the 1984 Olympics on it.

I actually got more pictures without my digits than with that time.

But I think I really got into the whole 'artistic' thing with the Disk camera - remember those? You could take three different kinds of photos - all with the same roll of film.
Then came the Canon...or rather, the series of Canons. Two PowerShots, which were like crack to me...just dragged me in deeper and deeper, until finally the Husband made me swear that IF he bought me a Rebel XSi, I MUST.ATTEND.CLASSES.

Oh, OK.

I've never looked back.

Photography is one of those holy-freaking-crap-jumping-up-and-down-on-the-bed-this-is-the-COOLEST-THING-EVER.

Now while I SO not a professional, I can promise you this: It makes me happy.

Here's hoping what I see makes you happy, too.